Am so angry and sad
I don’t want be like this, But am mad
I want do things differently, But I can’t
And if I do it I make it more bad……
It’s not easy like it looks,
Because inside my heart is burning and turning to dust,
And that make me so sad and broken…
Can’t act cool or okay,
All I can do is just stay numb in silence and try to smile…
Tears I cry it when am alone and nobody can hear me
It used to make me better but now the more I cry
It feels like I want cry more…
Angry from myself I get up and act like I don’t know what’s wrong…
I feel empty and this emptiness is killing me
Nobody can see me or feel me and am okay with that
But I hate when they push me so hard toward something I don’t like
And that make me want go crazy and shout
I try to hold myself back and smile like a crazy person don’t know why…
Urs: AmyBadr
Urs: AmyBadr
10-7-2011 3:25 PM