As the day was passing I kept falling
I realized what I shouldn’t have known
And instead of walking this day
I stand up and said words of regret
And with it I died this day
And I dreamed that I disappeared in the air
But the rain came and took me down (with it)

And that was when my tears started to fall
And my heart got torn and started to bleed
And from this moment I couldn’t stop the pain or the tears
And every day I walk up I keep on repeating the same things over and over again
And with time I realized that I loved the rain
Because it’s like my tears
But the only different my tears keep in falling everyday in happy and sad time
And that when I started not to talk and hide
Started to run from the truth afraid of getting hurt again
Afraid of people leaving me
I decided to hide the truth inside my heart and feeling regret of not saying it
I decided to live in pain than in peace of mind… strange isn’t it?
I decided a long time ago that I never want regret while the truth I was lying
Am living in regret of not saying what my heart felt
And now I don’t know what I really want because I learned to shut up and hide behind lies
And that hurt… and that’s how am living my life…
3:40 PM