A Mystery…!

A mystery…!
What have I told u about it…?
It’s all a mystery…
Walking on this path what pain us the most is also a mystery…
Words I keep deep inside is also a mystery
Believing in life and walking along the path that u are given,
Even though it’s a road u hates…
That because in our life we never learned how to choose or do what we love,
We learned to do things to make us survive…
U never learn what u should do when u are lost
That’s all a mystery…
Our life is a mystery for us
No one know how it will turn out
We just go along the road that’s given to us
Yes we act and choose whether to do that or no
Yes we have the choice but we never know what’s behind it
We just go along and wait for the consequence
I…?! What have I done that’s so right…?!
I always keep asking myself that… but I found that I have done nothing
And that pain me…
Why am living my life the way I do…?! I could never know or understand…
A mystery u tells me…!
I even don’t understand myself so how am going to live…?!
All my questions I think I have there answer but what am going to do with them it’s also a mystery to me…
Maybe I’ll act as I don’t know…
Maybe I’ll stay where I am and don’t do anything…
Maybe I’ll get angry and cry but tomorrow I will act as I’ve forgot and that nothing happened…
Maybe I’ll run and hide…
I have all choices but I never learned what to do when am desperate…
I never learned what to do when I feel lost…
I never learned what to do when am confused…
So no matter what I choose I should learn from it…
But why I don’t learn?! Why I always choose the path.. Even though I know it hurts…?!
It’s all a mystery to me…
I’ll never know I think…

As I said before what if we changed the world but people remained the same will it make a different…?! Because I don’t think so…
Yours: AmyBadr

10:32 PM