Here I come to write but I find instead words I like...
That's when I decided to write more with an open mind...
Sometimes u want people understand u without talking
But u wants them to talk so u can listen and understand them
Sometimes u feel so disparate that u need help and others u just want be left alone...
There are times like this I don't understand myself
That’s when I began to listen to people to tell me who I am or what I feel or want...
That’s when I feel lost...
Want be left alone to think who am I....?! And there come a Strange question with no answer...
Always waiting for something but don't know what is it..?!
Maybe a chance to feel something new or to have something new that also I don't know...
But I think it's true... All of us wait for chances and want to have it
Even though I know that the more I feel lost,
Lost in words.... lost in world where I don't know anything
Sometimes am afraid to answer a question even if I know that answer
Because I doubt what if it's not the right answer... always “what if” comes when u are more lost...
Searching for something and while am searching suddenly stop…
And ask myself what am searching for that's when I stand there in surprise don't believe myself....
I have nothing to say except what the hell am doing and what's wrong…?
Am I in my right mind or what…?!
Yours: AmyBadr
1:38 PM 19-9-2011
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