I Wish it Were Different

I Wish If I were a Little bit Braver...
But I never were....

If I say I would change would it matter,
Would it make a Different...?!

A Lie was once told but it broke a lot of thing with it,
to go back and fix whats broken Would be hard...
and Would be another Lie...
Trying to fix a Lie with another lie is pathetic I think...

If I tell you I wish I could make a Different....
And that this Wish is Like a Dream that will never come true or a Life...
Will I be killing what little Hope that was Left..?!

12-10-2012         10:28 PM
Yours: AmyBadr
 Bad Times

Long Day

It's been a long day without u...
The lingering memory keeps on hunting me...
I Wish I could let go
I wish I could forget and erase all the past sometimes
Cause it hurts being here without u
I feel like am the only one trying to make it right
I feel like i don't exists in your memory anymore and that hurts me more...
I stopped doing things that i used to like, feeling like it doesn't matter anymore...
Searching for myself in this world seems so hard to do...
Now I Know I am empty without u...
My Life seems to has no meaning without u...
Maybe i got used to someone there in my life...
but now i shut myself down and push everyone away...
cause i don't want to feel like this again...
i don't want to depend on someone to live my life afraid that i would get hurt again...
but the truth i wish i could find someone who can help me find my own way...

Yours: AmyBadr

1:37 PM