Angry with myself...

I didn’t think it will be like this
I didn’t think that the road to where I want to go isn’t there for me
I can’t seem to find it
Do u know it’s painful
This pain never goes
It follows me like my own shadow
Even though I think I have forgotten about it
It comes to me strangely like it’s telling me that I can’t forget it
And I know that it won’t go away until I found my way…
But I can’t… I really can’t
I have given up...
Why don’t u stop hunting me?!
Will I ever find something in return that can make all this go away
Where I can find myself which I have lost
Losing hope is painful
I lost it several time but am always fighting for it
Fighting inside myself
Fighting with my thoughts
Even I don’t do anything to change…
Inside am in a deep fight that can never end
Pain and shame and a lot of feeling inside crying out loud
Want to come out but am holding it
Sometimes it comes in the wrong way which hurt me more
Because anger sometimes come in ways that make u do wrong things
I’m this person whose weak when am angry
I say am weak because my anger win over me and make me do things without thinking
I can’t control it…
I wish with time I learn how to control it…
Deep inside am angry from myself, from the world… from everything that made me who I am today…
Deep inside the thing am most angry with is myself…
I hate myself because it’s the reason for who I have become now
At the end No one is to blame except me…
Yours: AmyBadr

11:12 PM

A Lie

A Lie is something that I don’t want to Believe
But while walking along the road I choose to believe in the lie than believing the truth
I don’t understand why sometimes we choose to walk in different roads that are away from our believes…!!!
I don’t know what’s waiting for me but I wish if I walk this road I find myself in it
I wish I won’t be more lost that I go far away from the target I want
Every one of us has their own dreams
But when they suddenly find out that this dreams has disappeared because of reality
Because reality make u walk up even if u didn’t want to
It makes u forget about your dream and go the other direction
And some of us resist these circumstances and try hard to achieve their dream
I wish I was one of those… but I think I gave up…
And decided to live each day and wait for what will happen and accept it
I choose to walk as where the flow will carry me…
Even if I find the road I once wanted I think now I won’t walk on it
I will just take a look from far away… and say maybe it wasn’t our destiny to meet…
A tear fall as my thoughts keeps on going and I ask myself did I try my best?!
And I know the answer to this question hurt me more… because I know that I have given up before even started…
But I kept lying to myself so I won’t get hurt and said I will try I won’t give up
But that all was just a talk that I believed for a little while but I found out that I ended up hurting myself more…
Do u know what’s the worst lie to me it’s lying to myself and believe my own lies and keep saying it to everyone around me because I believed it so much… that I didn’t realize that am living in a lie I have made until it was so late to walk up…
Now that I have walked up I don’t know what should I do…?!
So here I am writing in my own diary wishing I can find an answer…
And waiting for something new that will carry me away from all this…
Waiting for something I could give my everything and try my best in it…
Yours: AmyBadr

6:10 PM